I created this makeshift batch file that takes input and converts it to asterisk signs. This is commonly used for password inputs.
There are two flaws with this, 1.) Choice.exe file is needed to function, and 2.) only letters a-z, and numbers 1-9 can be used. No other key will work. Number 0 is used to confirm (end) the password input.
Once 0 is pressed, the batch file writes your password in a text file to be recalled later in another batch file.

To use this file, follow these steps: Open Notepad>>Copy&Paste Code>>File>>Save As>>Name: pass_inp.bat>>File Type: all>>run


@echo off
title Password Input (TEST)

if not exist %windir%\system32\choice.exe (
echo  This batch requires the use of the "choice.exe" program located
echo  in your system32 folder. Some versions of Windows do not contain
echo  this program in installation. If you wish to continue with this
echo  program, you must download a useable "choice.exe" folder and place
echo  it in the following directory:
echo    %windir%\system32

set input=
set asterisk=
set count=0

echo  Press zero (0) when you are done.
echo  Please enter the password: %asterisk%
echo  Character Count: %count%
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 /n
if errorlevel 36 goto exit
if errorlevel 35 set char=9&goto commands
if errorlevel 34 set char=8&goto commands
if errorlevel 33 set char=7&goto commands
if errorlevel 32 set char=6&goto commands
if errorlevel 31 set char=5&goto commands
if errorlevel 30 set char=4&goto commands
if errorlevel 29 set char=3&goto commands
if errorlevel 28 set char=2&goto commands
if errorlevel 27 set char=1&goto commands
if errorlevel 26 set char=z&goto commands
if errorlevel 25 set char=y&goto commands
if errorlevel 24 set char=x&goto commands
if errorlevel 23 set char=w&goto commands
if errorlevel 22 set char=v&goto commands
if errorlevel 21 set char=u&goto commands
if errorlevel 20 set char=t&goto commands
if errorlevel 19 set char=s&goto commands
if errorlevel 18 set char=r&goto commands
if errorlevel 17 set char=q&goto commands
if errorlevel 16 set char=p&goto commands
if errorlevel 15 set char=o&goto commands
if errorlevel 14 set char=n&goto commands
if errorlevel 13 set char=m&goto commands
if errorlevel 12 set char=l&goto commands
if errorlevel 11 set char=k&goto commands
if errorlevel 10 set char=j&goto commands
if errorlevel 9 set char=i&goto commands
if errorlevel 8 set char=h&goto commands
if errorlevel 7 set char=g&goto commands
if errorlevel 6 set char=f&goto commands
if errorlevel 5 set char=e&goto commands
if errorlevel 4 set char=d&goto commands
if errorlevel 3 set char=c&goto commands
if errorlevel 2 set char=b&goto commands
if errorlevel 1 set char=a&goto commands

if not defined input (
set input=%char%
) else (
set input=%input%%char%
if not defined asterisk (
set asterisk=*
) else (
set asterisk=%asterisk%*
set /a count +=1
goto input

if not defined input exit
echo %input%>password.txt
goto :eof